Frankly, I think it's pretty damn obvious that Lesbians For Sarah Palin is an homage to what is WRONG with our political system. Just the idea that any self-respecting lesbian might actually vote for a whacked-out, anti-gay, anti-choice creationist Christian fundamentalist seems so anathema to common sense and human decency that I don't think it needs to be said quite as explicitly as that. But there you have it anyway.

It also presents an opportunity to play mind games with the right-wingers, as well as make a complete mockery of how gender is being USED by the Republicans to manipulate culturally shallow and politically anesthetized middle American voters. It's the queer way of saying something that needs to be said.
Why the hell would lesbians be for Sarah Palin? For the same damn idiotic reason ANYONE ELSE would be for Sarah Palin!
Eye candy. That's it; that's all. It's not like she has other qualifications.
So the idea, once again, is that we welcome Sarah Palin at every single campaign stop she makes -- if she's ever seen in public again -- with truckloads of lesbians in flannel and lipstick (all are welcome!) bearing signs declaring our fondness for her as a sex object: "Lesbians (Heart) Sarah Palin," "Hockey Dykes For Sarah Palin" and such.
But to hell with the idea of voting for this anti-woman woman. We just aren't SICK like that.

Despite Alaska being a place where, as it has been frequently pointed out, lesbian gaydar is essentially rendered useless (as the photo above illustrates quite well), it seems that women of all sexual orientations are not fond of their governor.

Please, above all, make a mockery of Republican politics and give it Sarah Palin anyway you like. Bubba simply requests you always state your admiration and sexual attraction for Sarah Palin with an asterisk. Specifically: "She's hot.*"
* But we sure as hell aren't voting for her.
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